Personliga doppresenter

Personalized christening gifts

Christening, baby shower or naming ceremony. Whatever we choose, we want to throw a nice party for the new baby. Our guests bring carefully selected gifts for the new arrival. Greatest care is given to the gift from mom and dad – the child's very special name.

Name is a human right. We will own and wear them for the rest of our lives and they become an important part of our identity. The names often tell about our family history and in many cases have grown on both sides of the family tree.

Parents like to give their child beautiful and unusual names - just as valuable and unique as the child is to them. Today's mothers and fathers are also often looking for names that work internationally and are not tied to gender.

Father's name was inherited

A really long time ago, Swedes only had one name, a first name. To distinguish people, the patronymic also began to be used, as a surname. Son and daughter of Erik became Eriksson and Eriksdotter. Later, patronymics began to be inherited by both sons and daughters. That's why we have so many Anderssons, Johanssons and Petterssons in our country. The same tradition exists in several other countries in the world.

A christening gift for a lifetime

According to Swedish law, parents must choose a first and last name no later than three months after the child's birth. Many also choose one or more middle names.

Popular first names change from year to year. Right now, Maja, Alice and Elsa are common first choices for girls and William, Noah and Hugo for boys. Gender-neutral names on the way up are, for example, Lo, Charlie and Mio.

Christening, baby shower or naming ceremony

Do you want to welcome a new little person with a beautiful and personal christening gift or are you invited to a baby shower? At Shop in Lapland, we have a large selection of exquisite handicrafts from the north that will become beautiful memories for life. Choose a small engraved cowl, a baby blanket in wool for the cradle/carriage or some suitable jewellery. See all our tips on christening gifts.

Personliga doppresenter

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