Fira fina mamma på Mors dag❤️

Celebrate beautiful mother on Mother's Day❤️

Mother's Day is approaching again, always the last Sunday in May. An annual tradition that has been celebrated in our country for more than a hundred years. The idea of the day is to thank one of the most important people in our lives. A person who has always been there, rocked and cooed, picked our noses and taught us how to know. The…

Tennarmbandets spännande historia

The exciting history of the pewter bracelet

Finds of tin wire work have been made from around the 11th century AD in Gråträsk, Piteå Municipality. Tin thread embroidery is an old Sami craft for decorating clothing and cleaning cloths. In other parts of the world have wire of gold. silver, copper and bronze were used to decorate clothing, however, it was only in the Nordics that tin wire art was used. The tin wire was manufactured…

Storlek pĂĄ tennarmband

Pewter bracelet size

What size pewter bracelet do you have? Some take it from their toes and order the largest size we have, and then the pewter bracelet is many times too big and is sent back. Others measure the length of their favorite bracelet and then it is usually also wrong because that pewter bracelet is made in a different way than what...

Skötselråd för ditt tennarmband

Care instructions for your pewter bracelet

You may have just ordered home one of our fine pewter bracelets as a gift or for yourself, congratulations! Our tin bracelets are well made, locally in Norrbotten with vegetable tanned reindeer skin and high quality tin wire. So how do you best take care of your pewter bracelet? Each pewter bracelet has a limited lifespan that varies depending on many factors, such as…